
State data

The data structure encompasses all entities available for utilization within the datepicker:

This structure includes:

interface DPData {
  calendars: Calendar[];
  formattedDates: Date[];
  months: CalendarMonth[];
  selectedDates: Date[];
  time: Time[];
  weekDays: string[];
  years: CalendarYears[];
interface DPData {
  calendars: Calendar[];
  formattedDates: Date[];
  months: CalendarMonth[];
  selectedDates: Date[];
  time: Time[];
  weekDays: string[];
  years: CalendarYears[];


The calendars array consists of objects containing year, month, and days properties. It inherently includes at least one member - the initial calendar denoted by calendars[0]. Modifying the behavior of calendars is achieved by adjusting the dates configuration, while their appearance can be customized through the calendars configuration.

export type DPDayRange =
  | 'in-range'
  | 'range-start'
  | 'range-end'
  | 'range-start range-end'
  | 'will-be-in-range'
  | 'will-be-range-start'
  | 'will-be-range-end'
  | '';
interface DPDay {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  day: string;
  disabled: boolean;
  inCurrentMonth: boolean;
  now: boolean;
  range: DPDayRange;
  selected: boolean;
interface DPCalendar {
  days: DPDay[];
  month: string;
  year: string;
export type DPDayRange =
  | 'in-range'
  | 'range-start'
  | 'range-end'
  | 'range-start range-end'
  | 'will-be-in-range'
  | 'will-be-range-start'
  | 'will-be-range-end'
  | '';
interface DPDay {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  day: string;
  disabled: boolean;
  inCurrentMonth: boolean;
  now: boolean;
  range: DPDayRange;
  selected: boolean;
interface DPCalendar {
  days: DPDay[];
  month: string;
  year: string;


The weekDays represent an array containing day names (Mon, Tue, Wed, and so on). The format of these names can be altered using the locale.weekdays property within the locale configuration.

type DPWeekdays = string[];
type DPWeekdays = string[];


The months array comprises objects with properties $date, active, disabled, month, now, and selected. The format for the month names can be modified using the locale.monthName property within the locale configuration.

interface DPMonth {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  month: string;
  now: boolean;
  selected: boolean;
interface DPMonth {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  month: string;
  now: boolean;
  selected: boolean;


Years are an array of objects with $date, active, disabled, now, selected and year properties. You can change the year name format by changing locale.year in the locale configuration.

The years array contains objects featuring properties such as $date, active, disabled, now, selected, and year. Adjusting the format of year names can be achieved by modifying the locale.year property within the locale configuration.

interface DPYear {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  now: boolean;
  selected: boolean;
  year: number;
interface DPYear {
  $date: Date;
  active: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  now: boolean;
  selected: boolean;
  year: number;


The selectedDates array holds the raw selected dates, corresponding to the dates passed within the configuration.

type SelectedDates = Date[];
type SelectedDates = Date[];


An array of formatted dates date.toLocaleDateString(locale, options) you can change it by specify locale and options.

type FormattedDates = string[];
type FormattedDates = string[];


The time array consists of objects featuring properties like $date, disabled, now, selected, and value. For adjusting the time format, properties like hour12, hour, minute and second within the Locale configuration can be utilized.

export interface DPTime {
  $date: Date;
  now: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  selected: boolean;
  time: string;
export interface DPTime {
  $date: Date;
  now: boolean;
  disabled: boolean;
  selected: boolean;
  time: string;